Tokyo Mothers Group
English-speaking support group for families in Tokyo

Welcome to TMG
You can join TMG by joining mailing list below. Then you can request to join the FB group by PMing the admins - all details on the FB sign up page.

Welcome to Tokyo Mothers Group!
Feel free to check out our site and have a look around. We also have an active Facebook group if you are interested in joining and the details are below. We host seasonal events and regular get-togethers and the information is posted via our Facebook group and email system.
Signing up as a TMG member will mean you also receive periodic emails with information about upcoming events and workshops and useful information from our sponsors.
Membership is free. To become a member you need to complete the steps below:
1) Subscribe to the mailing list - the subscription details to fill are under the small TMG logo also to the right. Click on "Subscribe" once you're done.
2) Request to join our FB group - please send a Facebook private message with your email address and reason you want to join to one of the FB group admins to confirm that you have complete steps 1 and 2.
*Please note that we get hundreds of FB join requests a month. We will not add any members to the FB group until they have contacted us as stated above.
**Also, please note that our Facebook group is only for residents of Japan so that we can keep the group running as an authentic support and contact group for those living here. If you are visiting/on holiday here for a short time, please take a look here for some useful resources instead.
For any questions please email: coordinators@tokyomothersgroup.com
TMG is on Facebook
TMG has an extremely active facebook group. You are welcome to join our community of international mothers (and some fathers!) after you have completed the steps outlined above.
Privacy Policy
Tokyo Mothers Group will sometimes list recommendations for places or services however we are not personally endorsing any of these and cannot accept responsibility for any issues you may have after using these places or services. If however, you ever find fault with something published on our site please let us know.
TMG does not accept payment for any reviews made unless their business appears on our sponsors page. We only take on sponsors we fully support and believe in and would not be endorsing anything if we would not use it ourselves.
Your privacy is very important to us and we do our best to protect your data. If you are ever concerned please let us know.